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Salem State University Requests for Proposals

O’Keefe Pool Infill
68 Loring Ave. Roof Replacement
O'Keefe Parking Lot Paving
Women’s Softball Field Improvements
Ellison Campus Center Roof Replacement
Library Generator Filter Replacement
Bertolon Emergency Generator Stack Extension
IT Help Desk Support Call Center
Strategic Enrollment for New Student Growth
Human Capital Management System
Notice to Bidders - RFP, SSU 2023: Central Campus Building Cooling Tower Replacement - HVAC
SSU 2023-01 Edward Sullivan Building Coal Vault Infill/Stair and Ramp Replacement
Campus Building Automation System Upgrade Phase 2
Berry Library HVAC Improvements
Sale of Mussel Farm
Meier Hall Penthouse Walls Remediation
Request for proposals to move Sterling Streamliner Diner building
Request for Quotes for Legal Services
REBID - Campus Building Automation System Upgrades - RFP
Shuttle and Charter Bus Service
2021-05 Alumni Field Turf Replacement - RFP
Campus Building Automation System Upgrades Phase 1
2021-01 Athletic, Supplies, Equipment and Services - RFB
2021-02 Re-engagement and re-enrollment strategy for Stopped-out students - RFP
2021-01 Generator Maintenance and Repair - RFQ
RFP 2020-06 Food Service - Salem State University Dining
2020-07 Plumbing Maintenance Service
RFP 2020-08 HVAC Maintenance and Repair Service
2020-04 Solid Waste, Recycling and Compost Addendum III, Questions and Answers
2020-04 Solid Waste Recycling and Compost – Addendum II
2020-04 Solid Waste Recycling and Compost - Addendum I, Important Announcement
Diplomas, Diploma Covers and Mailing
RFP Awards
RFP 2019-10 HR HMC
Realtor Services, 410 Lafayette St
Snow Removal, Sanding, Parking Lot Sweeping and Storm Drain Cleaning
RFP Tracking Information 2018
RFP Tracking Information 2017
2018-03 University Blanket Contract for Electrical Services Campus Wide
Financial Aid Optimization Solution
Human Capital Management System for HR
General Ledger System For Department of Finance and Business
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